The more time that passes at the Overlook Hotel. Jack was fired from his old job back home at Covington.,' Danny said candidly, 'my daddy got fired from his teaching job and that's why we're in Colorado, I guess.' (King pg 59) Jack didn’t have a job anymore but being the caretaker of the hotel was the job he can land but there was a fair warning during the interview that would foreshadow the events that are to come. Grady worked at the hotel 5 years before but during the interview Jack was informed that the last caretaker killed his family with a hatchet but Grady eventually killed himself with a shotgun. Delbert Grady was the caretaker of the hotel before Jack.
Jack (Father), Wendy (Mother), Danny (Son) Dick Hallorann is an employee of the Overlook hotel when it’s in the operating season. The story follows the Torrence family as they settle in Jack’s new job at the Overlook Hotel.